Elite Dance Studio Policies & Information
Elite Dance Studio: Policies and Information 2024-2025
Tuition: Tuition is paid in nine installments (September – May). The first installment is due, along with the applicable registration fees, when enrolling in classes. The 8 remaining installments are due on the 1st of each month (October-May). Tuition is based on a yearly rate, from September through May, paid in nine payments. Thirty-one lessons are included in your tuition (including picture day, dress rehearsal and two weather/emergency cancellations). We do not prorate tuition for any reason. Holidays and closures are already calculated into your nine payments.
Classes with a January 1st start date have 17 classes included in 5 tuition installments January-May. Holidays and closures are already calculated into your 5 payments. January tuition and registration fees are due at the time of registration. The remaining installments are due the 1st of each month (February-May).
**If your payment is received after the 7th day of each month regardless of absence or illness, a late fee of $15.00 will be added to your account. An additional $25 late fee will be added to your account on the 15th of each month. Students who fall two months behind on payments will not be allowed to take dance class, until the account is paid in full with cash or credit card, including late fees. Families with any outstanding balance 65 days past due will be automatically dropped from classes. Late fee notices will be emailed on the 8th and on the 15th.
Any account with a balance remaining on May 8th will be subject to a $50 late fee. No exceptions. All accounts must be paid in full, including late fees, no later than May 9th to participate in Dress Rehearsal and Recital.
There are no refunds for missed classes. If your child misses a class, he/she can make it up during another class that is similar to the registered class. Make-ups must be completed by April 2025. Only currently enrolled dancers may make-up classes. Please be aware that many classes are working on recital dances during the months of February-May (dances may not be the same as your dancer’s). There will be no make-ups after May 1st.
Auto Pay: All accounts must have a valid credit card on file and be enrolled in autopay. Autopay will be run the 1st of every month (October-May).
If you would to prefer to use an alternate payment method, you may do so before the 1st of the month (October-May). Payments may be made with cash or credit card only. Checks are no longer accepted. All credit cards are accepted in the studio office. Visa & MasterCard are accepted online via your customer portal.
Registration: In order to be registered, you must complete the online registration, pay the registration fee, and the first month’s tuition installment (in full, partial payments are not accepted.)
Age Deadline: November 1, 2024 is the age eligibility deadline date for class placement. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Recital: The recital and dress rehearsal will be held sometime in mid or late May/early June. Exact dates are not finalized until March/April. Dancing in the recital is optional and not a requirement to participate in the class. Expenses will include costumes, recital tickets, and tights/shoes/undergarments. Costume pictures and recital digital links are optional to purchase. Each class will perform in one to three shows. Exact details will be released in April. Families may need to attend more than one show in order to see all their children(s)’ dances.
Costumes: Costumes are required for each routine a student will be performing in the year end recital. Prices range from $80.00-$95.00 per costume. Tights/shoes/undergarments will be an additional cost. Costumes MUST be paid in full by November 2, 2024. Each class will be learning one dance. Photos of the costume selected for each class will be available for viewing in the studio lobby in mid-October. If you do not like the costume that was selected for your child’s class, you are not obligated to purchase it/participate in recital.
Dancer’s will be measured in class for their costumes for one week. Notification will be sent via email. If your dancer misses class, it is your responsibility to see the front desk to be measured. The teacher will choose their size for any dancer who is not measured. Once costumes arrive, dancers will try costumes on in class for fit for two weeks. Any student absent both weeks will need to see the front desk to try-on their costume. Any dancer who misses all three weeks of try-on will receive the costume they were ordered. Exchanges are not possible after the 3 week window per the costume company policies.
**Late payments will not be accepted and costumes will NOT be ordered after November 2, 2024.**
Refunds: Refunds will not be issued for tuition, registration fees, recital tickets, or costume balances. No exceptions. There will be no refunds for a student’s absence from class. If class enrollment does not exceed five students, the class will be cancelled and students will be reassigned to another class. Refunds will be issued only if the studio cancels a class and another class is not an option.
If you withdraw on or before November 1, 2024, your costume payment can be refunded. If you withdraw on or after November 2, your costume has been ordered and you will receive your costume when it comes in. You will be called when the costume is ready for pick up and it must be picked up before July 1, 2025. All unclaimed costumes will be donated on July 1, 2025.
Withdrawal/Addition of Classes: In the event that a student needs to withdraw early, written notice must be sent to [email protected] in order to close the account and prevent from further billing. Accounts remain open and payments will be due until written notice is submitted to the email listed above. Any past tuition must be paid before a drop request will be processed. Drop notices will not be accepted over the telephone or at the studio. Students wishing to add a class after the initial registration must complete the online registration on the Customer Portal.
Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parents to be aware of all dance studio activities, such as recitals, opening or closings, and picture days. The studio notices are posted on the bulletin board, the website, social media, and in the monthly newsletter. All information, including tuition statements, recital newsletters, picture day schedules, studio events and all important notices. Updates are sent to the e-mail on file in your customer portal. Please update your customer portal if your address, e-mail address, or telephone number changes.
Levels and Placement: Each student is closely evaluated by the faculty and director. EDS has a syllabus for each class that the faculty follows. Once the dancers progress beyond the combo classes, students do not move up to the next level according to age or the amount of years that they have studied dance. Levels at EDS are designed to be repeated for multiple years. They must be able to execute proper technique of each movement for that level. It is extremely important that dancers are placed in a level that is appropriate for them, as frustration and even injury may occur.
Attendance: Attendance and participation is imperative for a dance student to progress. Proper technique and dance skills are accomplished through practice and patience. Advancement to the next level may not be possible due to poor attendance. IF a dancer has inconsistent attendance, participation in the recital is solely at the discretion of the teachers and the studio director. No refunds on missed classes nor on costume purchases.
Holidays, Inclement Weather, or Other Cancellations: We do not follow Montgomery County Public School systems school closure schedule. Please check our calendar to review which days/holidays we are closed. We also do not follow the MCPS inclement weather closures. A decision will be made by 8:30 AM for morning classes and by 2:30 PM for evening classes. Closings will be on the studio voicemail, social media, and the website. There are 2 emergency cancellations included in the tuition. If an additional classes are cancelled, students may attend a similar class for a makeup. Refunds will not be issued due to inclement weather.
Care of Students: Elite Dance Studio cannot be responsible for the care of students before or after class. For the children’s safety, we also ask that parents come into the studio to pick them up. We do not allow children to go into the parking lot unaccompanied by an adult. Please arrive promptly at the end of your child’s class. After a 10-minute grace period, a $15 late pickup fee is charged to your account.
Lost or Stolen Items: Elite Dance Studio is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please check the lost & found in the lobby for lost items. All lost and found items are donated to charity monthly.
Teacher Conferences/Questions: Please leave a message at the front desk if you would like to speak with your child’s teacher. They will be happy to answer your questions. Please do not delay them between their classes.
Session Class Policies: Registration is finalized when online registration is complete and the full tuition amount is paid. No prorating (unless registering late). No refunds. Session classes do not participate in the recital and do not need a costume. Makeups must be completed within the session.
Studio App: Download our free app, available in the Apple and Google Play stores. Register for classes, view your class schedule, purchase class punch cards for drop-in/guest teacher classes. Important reminders and inclement weather closures will be sent via push notifications.
Other: Elite Dance Studio reserves the unrestricted right to dismiss a family from the school, a class, or a performance whose conduct or influence, in the opinion of the director, is contrary to the best interest of the studio.
SUMMER 2025 Policies
A spot is not secure in any class/camp/intensive until payment is received and managements approves class placement. DO NOT RUN YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD FOR TUITION OR CAMP/INTENSIVE DEPOSITS. A credit card must be entered so we can run any fees due on that card in order to complete registration. If a credit card is not entered, please pay at the studio with credit card or cash within 48 hours. Your spot in the class will be automatically dropped if payment is not received within 48 hours. All class tuition & camp/intensive deposits are non-refundable.
Summer Day Camps and Intensives: $100 non-refundable deposit is due at registration. Deposits are required for every week a student is registered for camps/intensives. Register for 1 week, $100 deposit is due. Register for 3 weeks, $300 deposit is due. Camp & Intensive balances are due June 1st. Studio tuition credit will be given for tuition fees, less the deposits, in the event dancers drop SUMMER CAMP before June 1st. There are NO REFUNDS for SUMMER CAMPS anyone dropping after June 1st. Campers dropping after June 1st are able to pick-up the supplies/crafts already purchased for them during normal office hours.* Studio tuition credit will be given, less deposits, for dancers dropping INTENSIVE before June 1st. There are NO REFUNDS for anyone dropping INTENSIVES after June 1st.
Elite Dance Studio reserves the right to remove dancers from Summer Camps or Intensives if they are found to be a danger to themselves, other dancers or our faculty/staff. In the event a dancer must be removed from the program, tuition will be forfeited. Campers will be able to take any remaining crafts/supplies intended for them.
Please notify [email protected] if your camper will not be participating in Pizza Party Friday at summer camp due to allergy or food intolerance.
All summer camps and intensives are independent. Drop-off and Pick-up only.
Summer Camps are themed weeks that include various activities, crafts, games, and dancing. While there will be dancing, SUMMER CAMPS ARE NOT DANCE-BASED.
Intensives are designed for those dancers looking to further their dance training. Dancers attending Intensive I & II will only be dancing.
Summer Classes: You will be charged the "class fee" listed. There is no registration fee for summer classes. Refunds will only be given for withdrawal on or before May 31. No refunds for missed classes. Makeups must be made up during Summer Session 2024. Summer Session drop-in class punch cards must be purchased via our app. PLEASE DO NOT "PUNCH" YOUR OWN CARD WHEN PURCHASING. Students will not be admitted without a valid punch card for the class. Punch cards can be purchased for 30, 45, and 60 minute classes. New/Visiting Students must also register as a "guest student" online and sign the required waivers prior to taking class.
Age Requirements:
Dancers must meet the following age requirements:
Summer Camps: June 1st
Summer Classes June 1st
Intensive I: July 14, 2025
Intensive II: July 21, 2025
Lost or Stolen Items: Elite Dance Studio is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please check the bins in the lobbies for lost items. All items (except the donated shoes in the donation bin) are donated to charity monthly.
Tuition: Tuition is paid in nine installments (September – May). The first installment is due, along with the applicable registration fees, when enrolling in classes. The 8 remaining installments are due on the 1st of each month (October-May). Tuition is based on a yearly rate, from September through May, paid in nine payments. Thirty-one lessons are included in your tuition (including picture day, dress rehearsal and two weather/emergency cancellations). We do not prorate tuition for any reason. Holidays and closures are already calculated into your nine payments.
Classes with a January 1st start date have 17 classes included in 5 tuition installments January-May. Holidays and closures are already calculated into your 5 payments. January tuition and registration fees are due at the time of registration. The remaining installments are due the 1st of each month (February-May).
**If your payment is received after the 7th day of each month regardless of absence or illness, a late fee of $15.00 will be added to your account. An additional $25 late fee will be added to your account on the 15th of each month. Students who fall two months behind on payments will not be allowed to take dance class, until the account is paid in full with cash or credit card, including late fees. Families with any outstanding balance 65 days past due will be automatically dropped from classes. Late fee notices will be emailed on the 8th and on the 15th.
Any account with a balance remaining on May 8th will be subject to a $50 late fee. No exceptions. All accounts must be paid in full, including late fees, no later than May 9th to participate in Dress Rehearsal and Recital.
There are no refunds for missed classes. If your child misses a class, he/she can make it up during another class that is similar to the registered class. Make-ups must be completed by April 2025. Only currently enrolled dancers may make-up classes. Please be aware that many classes are working on recital dances during the months of February-May (dances may not be the same as your dancer’s). There will be no make-ups after May 1st.
Auto Pay: All accounts must have a valid credit card on file and be enrolled in autopay. Autopay will be run the 1st of every month (October-May).
If you would to prefer to use an alternate payment method, you may do so before the 1st of the month (October-May). Payments may be made with cash or credit card only. Checks are no longer accepted. All credit cards are accepted in the studio office. Visa & MasterCard are accepted online via your customer portal.
Registration: In order to be registered, you must complete the online registration, pay the registration fee, and the first month’s tuition installment (in full, partial payments are not accepted.)
Age Deadline: November 1, 2024 is the age eligibility deadline date for class placement. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Recital: The recital and dress rehearsal will be held sometime in mid or late May/early June. Exact dates are not finalized until March/April. Dancing in the recital is optional and not a requirement to participate in the class. Expenses will include costumes, recital tickets, and tights/shoes/undergarments. Costume pictures and recital digital links are optional to purchase. Each class will perform in one to three shows. Exact details will be released in April. Families may need to attend more than one show in order to see all their children(s)’ dances.
Costumes: Costumes are required for each routine a student will be performing in the year end recital. Prices range from $80.00-$95.00 per costume. Tights/shoes/undergarments will be an additional cost. Costumes MUST be paid in full by November 2, 2024. Each class will be learning one dance. Photos of the costume selected for each class will be available for viewing in the studio lobby in mid-October. If you do not like the costume that was selected for your child’s class, you are not obligated to purchase it/participate in recital.
Dancer’s will be measured in class for their costumes for one week. Notification will be sent via email. If your dancer misses class, it is your responsibility to see the front desk to be measured. The teacher will choose their size for any dancer who is not measured. Once costumes arrive, dancers will try costumes on in class for fit for two weeks. Any student absent both weeks will need to see the front desk to try-on their costume. Any dancer who misses all three weeks of try-on will receive the costume they were ordered. Exchanges are not possible after the 3 week window per the costume company policies.
**Late payments will not be accepted and costumes will NOT be ordered after November 2, 2024.**
Refunds: Refunds will not be issued for tuition, registration fees, recital tickets, or costume balances. No exceptions. There will be no refunds for a student’s absence from class. If class enrollment does not exceed five students, the class will be cancelled and students will be reassigned to another class. Refunds will be issued only if the studio cancels a class and another class is not an option.
If you withdraw on or before November 1, 2024, your costume payment can be refunded. If you withdraw on or after November 2, your costume has been ordered and you will receive your costume when it comes in. You will be called when the costume is ready for pick up and it must be picked up before July 1, 2025. All unclaimed costumes will be donated on July 1, 2025.
Withdrawal/Addition of Classes: In the event that a student needs to withdraw early, written notice must be sent to [email protected] in order to close the account and prevent from further billing. Accounts remain open and payments will be due until written notice is submitted to the email listed above. Any past tuition must be paid before a drop request will be processed. Drop notices will not be accepted over the telephone or at the studio. Students wishing to add a class after the initial registration must complete the online registration on the Customer Portal.
Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parents to be aware of all dance studio activities, such as recitals, opening or closings, and picture days. The studio notices are posted on the bulletin board, the website, social media, and in the monthly newsletter. All information, including tuition statements, recital newsletters, picture day schedules, studio events and all important notices. Updates are sent to the e-mail on file in your customer portal. Please update your customer portal if your address, e-mail address, or telephone number changes.
Levels and Placement: Each student is closely evaluated by the faculty and director. EDS has a syllabus for each class that the faculty follows. Once the dancers progress beyond the combo classes, students do not move up to the next level according to age or the amount of years that they have studied dance. Levels at EDS are designed to be repeated for multiple years. They must be able to execute proper technique of each movement for that level. It is extremely important that dancers are placed in a level that is appropriate for them, as frustration and even injury may occur.
Attendance: Attendance and participation is imperative for a dance student to progress. Proper technique and dance skills are accomplished through practice and patience. Advancement to the next level may not be possible due to poor attendance. IF a dancer has inconsistent attendance, participation in the recital is solely at the discretion of the teachers and the studio director. No refunds on missed classes nor on costume purchases.
Holidays, Inclement Weather, or Other Cancellations: We do not follow Montgomery County Public School systems school closure schedule. Please check our calendar to review which days/holidays we are closed. We also do not follow the MCPS inclement weather closures. A decision will be made by 8:30 AM for morning classes and by 2:30 PM for evening classes. Closings will be on the studio voicemail, social media, and the website. There are 2 emergency cancellations included in the tuition. If an additional classes are cancelled, students may attend a similar class for a makeup. Refunds will not be issued due to inclement weather.
Care of Students: Elite Dance Studio cannot be responsible for the care of students before or after class. For the children’s safety, we also ask that parents come into the studio to pick them up. We do not allow children to go into the parking lot unaccompanied by an adult. Please arrive promptly at the end of your child’s class. After a 10-minute grace period, a $15 late pickup fee is charged to your account.
Lost or Stolen Items: Elite Dance Studio is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please check the lost & found in the lobby for lost items. All lost and found items are donated to charity monthly.
Teacher Conferences/Questions: Please leave a message at the front desk if you would like to speak with your child’s teacher. They will be happy to answer your questions. Please do not delay them between their classes.
Session Class Policies: Registration is finalized when online registration is complete and the full tuition amount is paid. No prorating (unless registering late). No refunds. Session classes do not participate in the recital and do not need a costume. Makeups must be completed within the session.
Studio App: Download our free app, available in the Apple and Google Play stores. Register for classes, view your class schedule, purchase class punch cards for drop-in/guest teacher classes. Important reminders and inclement weather closures will be sent via push notifications.
Other: Elite Dance Studio reserves the unrestricted right to dismiss a family from the school, a class, or a performance whose conduct or influence, in the opinion of the director, is contrary to the best interest of the studio.
SUMMER 2025 Policies
A spot is not secure in any class/camp/intensive until payment is received and managements approves class placement. DO NOT RUN YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD FOR TUITION OR CAMP/INTENSIVE DEPOSITS. A credit card must be entered so we can run any fees due on that card in order to complete registration. If a credit card is not entered, please pay at the studio with credit card or cash within 48 hours. Your spot in the class will be automatically dropped if payment is not received within 48 hours. All class tuition & camp/intensive deposits are non-refundable.
Summer Day Camps and Intensives: $100 non-refundable deposit is due at registration. Deposits are required for every week a student is registered for camps/intensives. Register for 1 week, $100 deposit is due. Register for 3 weeks, $300 deposit is due. Camp & Intensive balances are due June 1st. Studio tuition credit will be given for tuition fees, less the deposits, in the event dancers drop SUMMER CAMP before June 1st. There are NO REFUNDS for SUMMER CAMPS anyone dropping after June 1st. Campers dropping after June 1st are able to pick-up the supplies/crafts already purchased for them during normal office hours.* Studio tuition credit will be given, less deposits, for dancers dropping INTENSIVE before June 1st. There are NO REFUNDS for anyone dropping INTENSIVES after June 1st.
Elite Dance Studio reserves the right to remove dancers from Summer Camps or Intensives if they are found to be a danger to themselves, other dancers or our faculty/staff. In the event a dancer must be removed from the program, tuition will be forfeited. Campers will be able to take any remaining crafts/supplies intended for them.
Please notify [email protected] if your camper will not be participating in Pizza Party Friday at summer camp due to allergy or food intolerance.
All summer camps and intensives are independent. Drop-off and Pick-up only.
Summer Camps are themed weeks that include various activities, crafts, games, and dancing. While there will be dancing, SUMMER CAMPS ARE NOT DANCE-BASED.
Intensives are designed for those dancers looking to further their dance training. Dancers attending Intensive I & II will only be dancing.
Summer Classes: You will be charged the "class fee" listed. There is no registration fee for summer classes. Refunds will only be given for withdrawal on or before May 31. No refunds for missed classes. Makeups must be made up during Summer Session 2024. Summer Session drop-in class punch cards must be purchased via our app. PLEASE DO NOT "PUNCH" YOUR OWN CARD WHEN PURCHASING. Students will not be admitted without a valid punch card for the class. Punch cards can be purchased for 30, 45, and 60 minute classes. New/Visiting Students must also register as a "guest student" online and sign the required waivers prior to taking class.
Age Requirements:
Dancers must meet the following age requirements:
Summer Camps: June 1st
Summer Classes June 1st
Intensive I: July 14, 2025
Intensive II: July 21, 2025
Lost or Stolen Items: Elite Dance Studio is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please check the bins in the lobbies for lost items. All items (except the donated shoes in the donation bin) are donated to charity monthly.